Thursday, November 18, 2010


So, you're all doing a great job adding lots of fruits & veggies (and water) into your lifestyle.  Now, how much food are you actually eating at each meal?  In today's world, even the plates that we eat from are SUPERSIZED!!! If we're filling up those HUGE plates, guess what? We're eating way too much!!!

Your stomach is roughly the size of your fist & can expand slightly with the meal.  When eating a meal, consider this... can all of the food fit into my hands (when held together to make a bowl shape).  That's about how big your meal should be.  Remember, SIZE MATTERS! :))

1 comment:

  1. I am terrible at this! A 'real' portion just doesn't look like enough food - and then when I actually measure things out - I am hungry again soon. :( I try to tell myself that it IS enough and it IS the right size - but still end up finding a sneaky-snack later.
