Sunday, October 31, 2010


OK, how much Halloween candy did you eat??? I had 2 pieces!  Sadly, it was up there with the Stop & Shop cake (which if you came to the meeting, you know what we're talking about!). It really wasn't that good & I'm glad. Doubtful I'll eat any more of it! 

How did your 1st week go? Highs & lows, post them here! You'll get WEEK 2 worksheet on Monday.

ALSO... post if you've lost some pounds!! We want to congratulate you!!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Your first week is almost over!! If you haven't posted or emailed me, YOU SHOULD! I want to know how you're doing. Support is such an important part of developing these healthy habits & making great choices!  I've heard from some of you about really great changes regarding snacking & still some challenges with working out.  Keep up the amazing progress you're making & try to get on track with some exercise!  Hope to hear from you soon! :))

Thursday, October 28, 2010


The crock pot is GREAT! Made 2 delicious & quick dinners so far!  How have you all been doing? Meals? Snacks??  Matt's making organic "chocolate" avocado mousse as we speak... hope it's yummy! POST!! ;))

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


OK, I'm using my crock-pot to make homemade lentil soup. It smells really good!  It took less than 15 minutes to chop & throw it all in this morning. Hope to have more good options that don't take a lot of time to prepare. 

HOW ARE YOU ALL DOING?  Post here & let me know!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


My mission is to find ideas for all of you that are healthy, quick dinners. Let's share ideas. I love the crock pot idea. I think I'm going to buy one today! :))  Who fit in a workout??

Monday, October 25, 2010


So, you guys were great last night! Thanks for sharing & best wishes as you tranform your life!! :))

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Welcome to Just for the Health of It, an eight week program designed to help you meet your health and wellness goals. Our first meeting will be held on Sunday, October 24th at my house. Please email me if you plan to attend.