Thursday, December 2, 2010


How many of you have tried the Atkins Diet?  I have to admit, that I had a wrong perception of it. My program at school presents all diet theories. Atkins being one of them, I'm really amazed at how they are misrepresented in the media (and therefore wrongly interpreted onto peoples plates & stomaches!).  From what I'm hearing, it sounds pretty balanced & they even make accomodations for vegetarians who get their protein from plant sources.  The "diet" seems to encourage healthy, greens, and lots of dark colored veggies. They support healthy carbs & the elimination of white sugar & processed foods.  I'm going to keep listening. So far, it's not the hype I thought it was... seems really balanced & not a program that just pushes bacon, burgers, and sausage for all 3 meals. Any comments?


  1. Jules, this is pretty much how I eat -- protein at every meal (including snacks) and getting the majority of my carbs from vegetables and fruit. Once something becomes the trend du jour, the hype and misinterpretation follows. Good on you for being open to understanding it. Another version of this style of eating is the "Paleo" Diet or Dr. Jonny Bowden's mantra: "Eat vegetables, meat, nuts & seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar". If you follow that rule, there is no room for processed foods!

  2. My mom and I did Atkins a while back and it was wonderful. My mom had read all the books that go with it so we weren't just cutting carbs which is what some people do when they say they're on Atkins. This is actually how we started to realize we needed to eat gluten free because the diet cut out a lot of gluten products, which really aren't all that healthy for people even when they are not gluten intolerant. Gluten free can actually just be a healthier way to live...if you take the time to figure out how to do it right.
