Monday, April 1, 2013

The Choices We Make

The Choices We Make

No one said that living a healthy life would be easy. As we evolve from children, into adolescence, and eventually become adults, we are faced with a million choices each day- some are little, some are big, and they all shape us and essentially create our level of health & happiness.

I think back to my own childhood- growing up in the 70s on Wonder Bread and hot dogs, becoming a teen in the 80s and eating from the "golden arches" far too often... or even worse, the very bad choice in college to smoke cigarettes... WHAT??? you don't know about my unhealthy past? OH BOY!!!!

Well, this is NOT a confessional, but in all honesty, I've made lots of unhealthy choices over the years. (haven't we all? ). I'm much more proud of my current choices, yet realize that the more I know, the more I learn, the more I understand how my own body feels, the better I become at living a healthier life.

Every time I've taken responsibility for my choices, habits, and rituals, I've learned that I CAN make healthier choices, and I don't have to accept anything less that my best.

I think back to a time when I was in a toxic job situation, when I was so stressed out that I had TMJ and my doctor wanted to get me on tranquilizers so I could relax & function (and eat normally... the TMJ was so bad I could hardly open my mouth).  I was working 60+ hours a week and becoming some nasty version of myself. But those were results of my choices. Once I decided to raise my standards it became clearer. I realized that I deserved better than a toxic 60 hour work week. I deserved to be happy in a job and healthier in life. Then it became a matter of changing my rituals to live a more authentic life. There is also an element of "letting go" of what others' think you should do with your life, and live for what makes you happy & feel good.

So we continue to evolve... we will all make mistakes along the way, but hopefully keep moving forward in the direction of our dreams & higher standards. Perhaps you're in a situation now where you don't feel AWESOME. It's OK- there is great learning in this space. Ask yourself very simply... "what do I want"... then let go of what you don't want, raise your standards for a healthier, happier life, then look to making small changes to support your new goals.

These ideas will be expressed more fully in my upcoming Spring Detox Event on April 10th. For more information, visit my website at

In GREAT Health!