Everything I Ever Needed To Know
I Learned At The Ashram
Ok, so maybe not EVERYTHING, but lots of really good lessons for living a healthy life were the the main focus of life at the Ashram. Some of you may say, "What's an Ashram?"... ok, well, it's the sacred home where I lived when I studied to become a yoga teacher. It's communial style living, where everyone helps out (doesn't that sound nice!). There is a daily schedule and life functions smoothly and calmly (just like in our homes now... right?!?!?).
So what are these amazing lessons? Well, they are so basic, yet sometimes overlooked or forgotten. Let's face it, life these days is a complete whirl-wind. If your family is anything like ours, we are all going in different directions, at different times. It can be pretty busy.
Our schedule at the Ashram was full yet a much slower pace, it looked something like this:
5:30am- Wake up
5:45am- Meditate & pray, then chanting and lecture
8:00am- Asanas and pranayama
10:00am Brunch (and boy were we hungry by then!)
11:00am Karma yoga (um... that meant cleaning the Ashram)
12:00 Studying
2:00pm Lecture (studying asanas, books, philosophy, scriptures, etc)
4;00pm Asanas and pranayama
6:00pm Dinner (then everyone helps with clean up & dishes)
7:30pm Meditate, pray, sing, chant, lecture (this would go until almost 10:00pm)
OH, you're still waiting for the lessons. Well, here ya go!
- Proper Exercise- move your body every day- stretch, strengthen, balance.
- Proper Eating- pure, clean foods, with minimal animal products and minimal processed foods
- Proper Breathing- focus on breath, recognize it's vital importance and how it can help give you both power & strength and the ability to relax.
- Proper Relaxation- taking time each day to rejuvinate the body through complete relaxation
- Proper Meditation & Thinking- the understanding that we become what we think, and the importance each day to still the mind and connect .
I hope this blog finds you well and that you are able to live a healthy life full of vital energy!
- Julia